Installing patch packs Hyperion & Theia

Hyperion and Theia patch packs use the latest Hyperion and Theia patch set import method - this is different to the factory content installer files.

If the patch set file is downloaded to the default user system downloads folder on your computer - all you need to do is open the plugin interface and patches will be automatically installed to the default patches location for each plugin - it may take a moment for the patch list to scan and refresh.

Alternatively, if you already have the plugin/app open, as of v1.56 of Hyperion and v1.13 of Theia, you can trigger a patch set auto - import by clicking the refresh button in the plugin patch browser interface.

Via PlugInGuru:

Just download the patch pack, then launch Hyperion or Theia - if the pack was in the OS default user download location the patches will be auto-imported (or use the patch list refresh button in the UI if you didn’t relaunch).

If you don’t see the new sounds in the patch list, you can manually import the patch set file using the patch set import button.

Via Tracktion:

Using the Tracktion download manager and making sure the default download location is set to the standard logged in user downloads folder should be enough to ensure auto import of the patch set on Hyperion or Theia plugin launch, or following using the patch list refresh button in the UI.

If this didn’t work, use the import button as shown in the screenshots below:

Import button location in Hyperion - open the browser panel - the import button is shown here:

Importing patch set files in Hyperion

Import button location in Theia - open the browser panel - the import button is shown here:

To be able to see the patches, make sure you leave the Hyperion/Theia patch browser pointing at the default patches location of the top level 'Patches’ folder:


Hyperion - /Users/Shared/Wavesequencer_Hyperion/Patches/

Theia - /Users/Shared/Wavesequencer_Theia/Patches/


Hyperion - “Your user directory”/Documents/Wavesequencer_Hyperion/Patches/

Theia - “Your user directory”/Documents/Wavesequencer_Theia/Patches/

This will allow to see all available patches in the plugins.

Top level patch directory - Hyperion

If you are using Tracktion download manager:

Note that the current installation method for ‘Classic Synth Tones’ and ‘Cinematic Landscapes’ is via a installer - downloaded via the manager app - these packs will soon be updated with patch set files instead.

To allow auto import to work, the patch set file needs to be downloaded to the standard system downloads folder for your currently logged in user account in order for Hyperion or Theia to successfully find it - so make sure to leave the Tracktion download manager set to the default location:

Windows: c:\Users\’account name’\Downloads

Mac OS: Macintosh HD\Users\’account name’\Downloads

Here’s an example of TDM/auto import of the patch set file on Mac OS (M2 Mac MIni):

and some more examples in Windows & Mac OS: